
3 Nov, 2014

Flairsoft: A Premier Partner in Higher Education



If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was just another member of the team.

He comes in every day with a smile on his face, and makes his way towards the back of the building, where his cubicle intersects the pathways between the senior developer’s office and the copy room. There, he codes away on Flairdocs, helping update everything from client property repositories, to product testing and more. But when the day is done, he makes his way back down 315 towards the Ohio State University, where the books he opens are, in some part, paid for by what he makes at Flairsoft.

In recent years, Flairsoft has made great strides towards becoming a contributing corporate citizen in the community, most notably in the field of higher education. Through its intensive, paid internship programs, its strategic partnerships with educational institutions, and even by funding immersive research projects for certain high achieving scholars, Flairsoft is investing in young talent to help truly forge the future.

The most visible aspect of Flairsoft’s partnering efforts, perhaps, is the company’s Computer Science internship program, an intensive, hands-on work opportunity that pairs interns directly with senior level developers to work on real life application aspects of Flairdocs, an important work opportunity that many positions could not offer such interns. Here, the smaller, more intimate size of Flairsoft is a tremendous boon to the work environment; there are no real barriers between the interns and the most experienced personnel at the company, allowing them to absorb the insights and experience of their supervisors with much greater ease than they would otherwise.

“I really do like how the teams are kept small here,” says one Flairsoft intern. “Everyone knows everyone else…it’s a really helpful environment.”

Because of the small environment, however, interns are very much expected to pull their own weight, and make genuine contributions to company and product centered progress.

“I’ve never been part of this big of a project before,” said another intern. “But I like to take it as a challenge, and do things that I hadn’t been able to do before.”

In addition to its college internship programs, Flairsoft has developed a strategic partnership with the University of Dayton, as well. Most notably, Flairsoft has partnered with the University of Dayton Research Institute to enhance its knowledge base on the DaVinci Project, an initiative for the mathematical modeling of aircraft designs that Flairsoft has helped lead for awhile.  Through this partnership, Flairsoft has also funded the research of one particular University of Dayton graduate student, bringing him into the program, while simultaneously funding his thesis. This two pronged approach, said Kevin Dawson, Director of Air Force and DoD Programs, allows Flairsoft to invest in young talent, while gaining an impeccable return on investment. As the student is mentored by top notch University of Dayton staff while in the position, Flairsoft is, in fact, drawing from an entire think tank in its operation.

“Bringing this student aboard lets us bring, not just one, but a team of highly quality experts,” Dawson said, referencing the collaborative nature of the project, “creating exceptional value to our federal clients, and modernizing aircraft design to support warfighter needs.”

All in all, Flairsoft is proud to be an upstanding community partner of higher educational institutions in Ohio, and is happy to offer young talent a pathway to success in the industries that it supports. Stay tuned for upcoming internship openings, and you too can have the opportunity to join the Flairsoft team!

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