
28 Jan, 2014

Flairdocs Value Prepositions


  1. Highly responsive and dedicated customer-focused team that works hard to configure a solution as driven by business needs and mission.
  2. Show happy customers/ and some images for configuration like gears and give efficiencies and cost savings
  3. Extensive experience working with customer’ team to deliver a solution that is ready to meet all of your needs.
  4. Highly configurable GIS solution that meets/exceeds customer’ current needs
  5. Ease of Use: The Flairdocs 6.0: Pipeline version user interface and processes were pre-built by ROW subject matter experts working in conjunction with excellent architects and human factors engineers to produce the uniquely featured and user-friendly COTS package for pipeline, midstream, electric and DOT’s ROW needs.
  6. Easy to use like a baby playing with computer and ipad/ipod etc.
  7. Proven configurable, innovative and scalable web-based solution since 2002
  8. Bringing the best practices and 10+ years of experience in ROW, GIS, web based solutions, ERP, mobile technologies and systems integratiFully integrated acquisition, legal, check request, lease, real estate, maintenance, and construction related processes per the recent screenshots provided
  9. Powerful notifications, robust security and configurable workflows to meet customer’ workflow needs.
  10. Dashboard,  ad hoc reporting, and customized reports for better tracking.

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